Savelletri di Fasano. Località Masciola

Palazzo, Paola (2015) Savelletri di Fasano. Località Masciola. FOLD&R FastiOnLine documents & research, 330. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1828-3179

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In 2010 in Savelletri of Fasano (Brindisi) a preliminary archaeological excavation was conducted in a wide area destined for a parking lot along the coastal road to Monopoli in order to establish the presence of structures of archaeological interest in a high risk area in the immediate vicinity of the necropolis and the walls of the Roman town of Egnatia. The area selected for the project was investigated through the excavation of three parallel trenches and a more extensive trench in the eastern sector. The excavated surface led to discovery, for a distance of 75 meters, of a road oriented NS, parallel to the coastline and characterized by parallel grooves carved into the bedrock. Along the road were highlighted traces of a settlement characterized by the presence of structures (huts with postholes) and pits used as cisterns, channels, walls made of stones and limestone blocks, and concentrations of pottery fragments that document the use of the road between the third century B.C. and the first century A.D.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: La pubblicazione del presente contributo è stata autorizzata dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Puglia (prot. n. 18026 del 10 dicembre 2010)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brindisi, scavi archeologici
Subjects: 900 Storia, Geografia e discipline ausiliarie > 930 Storia dei mondo antico fino al 499 ca.
900 Storia, Geografia e discipline ausiliarie > 930 Storia dei mondo antico fino al 499 ca. > 939 Archeologia – Altre Regioni del mondo antico
Depositing User: Dott.ssa Helga Di Giuseppe
Date Deposited: 05 May 2015 08:20
Last Modified: 05 May 2015 08:20

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