Studio geologico e idrogeologico dei monti di Maratea

Cotecchia, Vincenzo and D'Ecclesiis, Giampiero and Polemio, Maurizio (1990) Studio geologico e idrogeologico dei monti di Maratea. Geologia applicata e idrogeologia, XXV. pp. 139-179. ISSN 0435-3870


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The acquifers in the Maratea Mountains constitute a major water resource for the area between the Maratea Valley and the lower reaches of the Noce. The Study Area is characterized by the presence of carbonate deposits, forming part of the Monte Bulgheria-Verbicaro and Albuno-Cervati Units which originated on the Campania-Lucania Platform, and by a clayey-marly flysch succession belonging to the Liguride Unit. Recent tectonics have profoundly altered the normal tectonic superposition relationships between these units. In fact in the late overthrust area, there is par- tial décollement of the Bulgheria-Verbicaro Unit from the substratum formed by the Alburno-Cervati Unit and the partial superpositioning of the former on ther Liguride Unit. On the basis of these structural characteristics, two hydrogeological units have been distinguished. One of these, which feeds the main springs in the area, is characterized by a well-defined lower permeability limit corresponding to an overthrust contact. The other, which feeds important subaerial springs, has no well-defined lower permeability limit (acquiclude); along its eastern edge, this aquifer is drained by the alluvials of the lower reaches of the Noce, while along its southern edge its waters flow directly into the sea. The analysis has been conducted at a gradually increasing scale, the hydrogeological data being interpreted not least with a view to improving understanding of the area’s complex geomorphology the evolution of which is strongly influenced by the presence of the aquifers dealt with here. In a limited area around the main springs in Maratea Valley a detailed reconstruction has been made of aquifer geometry and of spring-emergence conditions. The ensuing picture is in keeping with the reconstruction of the complex relationships. that exist among the various stratigraphic-structural units present and with the computer analysis of the hydrological data.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: 500 Scienze naturali e Matematica > 550 Scienze della Terra
Depositing User: Dott. Maurizio Polemio
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2009
Last Modified: 20 May 2010 12:02

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