The effect of composite resonances on EWPT and Higgs decay into two photons

Cárcamo Hernández, A. E. and Dib, C. O. and Zerwekh, A. R. (2013) The effect of composite resonances on EWPT and Higgs decay into two photons. Il nuovo cimento C, 36 (6). pp. 177-184. ISSN 1826-9885

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In the context of strongly coupled electroweak symmetry breaking, heavy composite particles of different spin and parity may arise and cause observable effects at loop levels. We use an effective chiral Lagrangian to describe the interactions amongst these composite resonances and the SM fields. We study the effects of the composite particles on the Higgs decay into two photons and on the oblique T and S parameters. Consistency with the T and S parameters and the newly observed Higgs decay into γγ can be found, for axial vector masses in the range 1.7 TeV MA 2 TeV and vector masses ∼ 0.8MA, provided a non-standard kinetic mixing between the W3 and B0 fields is included.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Field theory
Subjects: 500 Scienze naturali e Matematica > 530 Fisica
Depositing User: Marina Spanti
Date Deposited: 07 May 2020 16:06
Last Modified: 07 May 2020 16:06

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