When a Goitre is a Thyroid Lymphoma

Gonçalves, Mariana de Aguiar and Gaspar, Elsa and Santos, Lèlita and Carvalho, Armando (2018) When a Goitre is a Thyroid Lymphoma. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, 5 (12). ISSN 2284-2594

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Primary thyroid lymphoma is a rare cause of both thyroid malignancy and extra-nodal lymphoma. It typically presents as a rapidly enlarging goitre with compressive symptoms. Histological analysis of a biopsy specimen is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Awareness of this disease is important for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. A 55-year-old man was admitted due to a 3-month history of cervical enlargement, facial and periorbital oedema and dyspnoea, apparently due to a superior vena cava syndrome. However, cervical ultrasound showed asymmetrical thyroid enlargement, lobulated contours and a hypoechogenic texture. A neck CT scan showed calibre reduction of the superior vena cava. The diagnosis of primary thyroid lymphoma was confirmed by open biopsy of the thyroid gland. The patient started treatment with rituximab with clinical improvement.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cervical enlargement, primary thyroid lymphoma, extra-nodal lymphoma
Subjects: 600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici) > 616 Malattie (classificare qui la Clinica medica, la medicina basata sull'evidenza, la Medicina interna, la Medicina sperimentale)
Depositing User: Greta Di Blasio
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2019 16:11
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2019 16:11
URI: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/id/eprint/18839

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