Stress Cardiomyopathy in COVID-19 Disease

Pasqualetto, Maria Cristina and Secco, Eleonora and Nizzetto, Manuele and Scevola, Moreno and Altafini, Lorella and Cester, Alberto and Rigo, Fausto (2020) Stress Cardiomyopathy in COVID-19 Disease. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, 7 (6). pp. 1-4. ISSN ISSN: 2284-2594

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Patients affected by COVID-19 pneumonia may develop stress cardiomyopathy, also known as Takotsubo syndrome (TTS), at different stages during the disease and with different degrees of left ventricular dysfunction. We describe three cases of TTS in COVID-19-positive patients with different clinical presentations and outcomes. One of them died, while in the other two coronary angiography confirmed the diagnosis but was postponed until after pneumonia resolution because of the risk of virus spread.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: COVID-19, Takotsubo syndrome, cardiomyopathy
Subjects: 600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate
600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici)
600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici) > 616 Malattie (classificare qui la Clinica medica, la medicina basata sull'evidenza, la Medicina interna, la Medicina sperimentale)
Depositing User: Marina Spanti
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2021 12:56
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2021 12:56

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