A Rare Case of Extra-Gonadal Oestrogen-Secreting Choriocarcinoma in a Male

Zhou, Yuxuan (2021) A Rare Case of Extra-Gonadal Oestrogen-Secreting Choriocarcinoma in a Male. European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, 8 (9). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2284-2594

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This report describes a rare case of an extra-gonadal oestrogen-secreting tumour in a male patient. An otherwise healthy 60-year-old man presented to our hospital with a 3-month history of shortness of breath and weight loss. Blood panels and histology supported the diagnosis of an oestrogen-secreting choriocarcinoma. Unfortunately, the patient died soon after his diagnosis. The highlighting features of this case are: (1) the difficulty of confirming a diagnosis in a rapidly deteriorating patient; (2) the rarity of oestrogen-secreting extra-gonadal tumours in males; and (3) the aggressive rate of tumour progression seen on sequential imaging.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Oestrogen-secreting tumour in males, choriocarcinoma, tumour progression, extra-gonadal
Subjects: 600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate
600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici)
600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici) > 616 Malattie (classificare qui la Clinica medica, la medicina basata sull'evidenza, la Medicina interna, la Medicina sperimentale)
Depositing User: Marina Spanti
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2021 12:43
Last Modified: 15 Dec 2021 12:43
URI: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/id/eprint/21464

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