Le cave antiche di Porto Miggiano (Santa Cesarea, Lecce): analisi metrologica e rilievo topografico dei settori estrattivi

Scardozzi, Giuseppe and Ferrari, Ivan and Giuri, Francesco (2023) Le cave antiche di Porto Miggiano (Santa Cesarea, Lecce): analisi metrologica e rilievo topografico dei settori estrattivi. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 34 (2). pp. 163-184. ISSN 1120-6861

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Official URL: https://www.archcalc.cnr.it/journal/articles/1267


The ISPC-CNR is conducting research activities aimed at identifying ancient quarries that supplied the public building sites in the Athenaion of Castro, where excavations revealed dry-stone city walls made of calcarenite blocks and built in three phases between the 4th and 2nd cent. BC. The paper is focused on the large coastal quarries of Porto Miggiano, located approximately 4.5 km NE of Castro, where the extraction was carried out in function of sea transportation of the blocks. The extraction sites were documented through laser scanning and photogrammetry by a drone. In the main quarry, which covers an area of approximately 0.4 hectares, thanks to the metrological analysis of the stepped faces, four extraction areas were identified corresponding to at least five cultivation phases. The oldest and most extensive one affects the central sector of the quarry, where large blocks compatible (for dimension and macroscopic aspect) with those of the third phase of the Castro city walls, dated to the beginning of the 2nd cent. BC, were extracted.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Uncontrolled Keywords: Computer Graphics IP CAD; Survey and excavations
Subjects: 900 Storia, Geografia e discipline ausiliarie > 930 Storia dei mondo antico fino al 499 ca. > 930.1 Archeologia (Classificare qui la Storia fino al 4000 a.C., l'Archeologia preistorica, le opere interdisciplinari sull'Archeologia) > 930.102 Archeologia - Opere miscellanee > 930.1028 Archeologia – Tecniche, metodologie, apparecchi e strumenti (comprende: Archeometria) > 930.10285 Archeologia – Applicazioni informatiche (comprende: tecniche di datazione)
Depositing User: Dott.ssa Paola Moscati
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2025 11:36
Last Modified: 27 Feb 2025 11:36
URI: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/id/eprint/23438

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