Primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma of the cheek. Case report

Scilletta, A. and Soma, Pierfranco and Grasso, Giuseppe and Scilletta, Roberto and Pompili, Giuanluca and Tarico, Maria Stella and Perrotta, Rosario Emanuele (2011) Primary cutaneous mucinous carcinoma of the cheek. Case report. Il giornale di chirurgia, 32 (6/7). pp. 323-325. ISSN 1971-145X

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Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin (MCS) is a rare neoplasia described for the first time by Lennox et al. in 1952 and formally reviewed by Mendoza and Helwing in 1971. It is an uncommon subtype of sweat gland tumor. MCS affects men (58,8%) more than women (41,2%). It tends to occur in more elderly individuals (average 62,6 years, range 8-87 years), although the disease has been reported in a patient as young as 8 years old. In the english Literature are described 100 case of MCS. MCS has a varied clinical onset, tipically presenting as an asymptomatic, slow-growning, painless, papular or nodular, subcutaneous or cutaneous, ranging from 5 mm to 120 mm. The lesion is frequently single and isolated red, pink, gray, blue or purple coulored. Telangiectasia may or not be present. The surface may be smooth, ulcerated or crusted. Local recurrence occurs frequently (29,4%) after conventional excision, but the rate of distant metastasis is low (9,6%). In fact this tumour is tipically avascular, a factor that help to explain its low rate of metastasis. In September 2007, a 69 year old white man was referred to our observation for the evaluation of a painless, superficial nodular mass in left cheek that had slowly grown over 1 year to 2x1,4 cm current measures. The lesion was excised. Microscopic examination revealed a mucinous cutaneous carcinoma of the skin. Investigations for a primary visceral malignancy, including CT total body and colonoscopy, were negative.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mucinous carcinoma - Skin
Subjects: 600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 610 Medicina e salute (Classificare qui la tecnologia dei servizi medici) > 617 Rami vari della medicina; Chirurgia
Depositing User: Nadia Del Gobbo
Date Deposited: 05 May 2016 14:56
Last Modified: 05 May 2016 14:56

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