Sistema della sosta e mobilità sostenibile nella città di Bari

Papa, Enrica and Decaro, Antonio (2009) Sistema della sosta e mobilità sostenibile nella città di Bari. TeMa Trimestrale del LAboratorio Territorio Mobilità Ambiente, 2 (1). pp. 49-56. ISSN 1970-9870

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considering parking as an essential component of the transportation system (Litman 2008). Parking facilities are a major cost to society, and parking conflicts are among the most common problems facing designers, operators and planners. Such problems can be often defined either in terms of supply or in terms of management. There are many reasons to use management strategies that result in more efficient use of parking resources, in order to address parking problems without expanding supply. Main benefits of parking managment regards facility cost savings, improved quality of service,revenue generation, supports mobility management, support transit and smart grow. Starting from this definition, the article define more sustainable the parking strategies that reduce parking demand and describe the case of the city of Bari, where good parking management actions have reduced car dependence and increased public transport and bicycle use. In the city of Bari two different actions have been developed. The fist regards the definition of long term plan concerning mobility and land use: the Strategic Plan, the Master Plan, the Transport Plan and the Traffic Plan. The second regards the implementation of a system of intervections on the parking system. In particolar a complete parking managment has been developed in the peripherical areas and in the central core. In pheriperical areas a Satellite Parking system was developed and a free transit service was then provided to connect destinations with remote parking facilities. This remote parking strategy was accompanied by an adequate use information, as signs and maps, in order to encourage motorists to use more distant facilities. By constructing parking facilities, the system intercepts commuters and visitors before they drive into the city center, reducing traffic problems. The historical centre was then closed to traffic and to parking, while in the central areas surrounding the old core, a fare parking system was developed. In particolar a management of on-street public parking spaces was developed in the city centre supported by public transport improvements. In this way car use has been reduced and public transport and bycicle use increased in the las four years. Parking management become an important component of efforts to encourage more efficient transportation patterns, which reduced problems such as traffic congestion, roadway costs, pollution emissions, energy consumption and traffic accidents and created more attractive and efficient urban environment. Direct and short term impacts were more evident in central areas where traffic congestion was reduced consistently. Long term impacts as energy consumption reduction and a more efficent multimodal trasport system will be revealed in the whole metropolitan area in the next future.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Il lavoro affronta con un approccio innovativo le tematiche relative al rapporto tra urbanistica e mobilità
Uncontrolled Keywords: sistema della sosta, mobilità sostenibile
Subjects: 600 Tecnologia - Scienze applicate > 620 Ingegneria e attivita' affini > 628 Ingegneria sanitaria; Urbanistica tecnica; Tecnologia della tutela ambientale > 628.9 Altri rami dell'ingegneria sanitaria e dell'Urbanistica tecnica
700 Arti, Belle arti e Arti decorative > 710 Urbanistica e paesistica
Depositing User: Rosa Anna La Rocca
Date Deposited: 21 May 2009
Last Modified: 20 May 2010 12:02

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