Les flux migratoires et la traite d’êtres humains

Farsédakis, J. (2010) Les flux migratoires et la traite d’êtres humains. Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza, III-IV (1). pp. 46-62. ISSN 1971-033X


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L’articolo analizza il rapporto tra flussi migratori e tratta degli esseri umani, fenomeno mondiale che concerne sia i paesi industrializzati che quelli in via di sviluppo, soffermandosi sugli attori implicati e gli scenari delineati, dal reclutamento ai luoghi di sfruttamento (strade, case di prostituzione, bar, night club, ecc.). Successivamente, l’autore esamina gli strumenti giuridici internazionali, europei e nazionali per la repressione di questo tipo di traffico. Infine, viene proposta una metodologia di ricerca-azione per la prevenzione della tratta. L’article analyse le lien entre flux migratoires et traite d’êtres humains - il s’agit d’un phénomène mondial qui concerne autant les pays industrialisés que les pays en voie de développement – s’arrêtant sur les personnes concernées et sur les situations exposées, du racolage aux lieux de proxénétisme (rues, maisons closes, bars, night clubs, etc.). L’auteur examine ensuite les instruments juridiques internationaux, éuropéens et nationaux qui répriment ce genre de traffic. Enfin, une méthodologie de recherche-action est proposée pour la prévention de la traite. The article analyses the relationship between the migration and the trade in human beings – it is a global phenomenon which affects both industrial and developing countries – involving people in the process of the soliticing of clients to the places of exploitation ( roadways, homes of prostitution, bar, night clubs, etc.,). Then, the author examines the international, European and national juridical instruments of the repression of the trafficking. Finally, an action-research methodology is proposed in order to prevent the trade in human beings.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: flux migratoires; traite d'etres humains
Subjects: 300 Scienze sociali
Depositing User: Prof.ssa Raffaella Sette
Date Deposited: 31 Mar 2010
Last Modified: 20 May 2010 12:03
URI: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/id/eprint/1451

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