A reanalysis of the atmospheric boundary layer field experiment(SPCFLUX93) at San Pietro Capofiume (Italy)

Cassardo, C. and Ferrarese, S. and Longhetto, A. and Morselli, M. G. and Brusasca, G. (2006) A reanalysis of the atmospheric boundary layer field experiment(SPCFLUX93) at San Pietro Capofiume (Italy). Il nuovo cimento C, 29 (5). pp. 565-597. ISSN 1826-9885

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A fortnight field experiment was carried out at San Pietro Capofiume(Po Valley, Italy)during the month of June, 1993, and was named SPCFLUX93. This location was chosen as representative of the Po Valley. The SPCFLUX93 experiment was devised according to the results of some previous measurements carried out in mountainous areas of South Europe (i.e. ALPEX—ALPine EXperiment, PYREX—PYRenean Experiment), and aimed to represent a prototype for further field observations. The dataset of the SPCFLUX93 experiment consisted of: i)meteorological and chemical data collected continuously with slow-response sensors in the atmospheric surface layer and into the soil; ii)data coming from fastresponse instrumentation (sonic anemometers and fluxmeter); iii) radiosoundings carried out with free and tethered balloons; iv)con tinuous vertical wind soundings with a Mini-Sodar. The aim of the SPCFLUX93 field experiment was to investigate the following topics: atmospheric turbulence, dry and wet atmospheric total deposition, energy balance, thermal wave propagation in the soil. Few years later, the atmospheric and hydrological scientific community conduced an extensive programme, the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP), on weather and climate in mountainous regions. This programme considered many aspects of alpine meteorology, ranging from high-resolution numerical modelling to experimental campaigns performed on both sides of the Alps, with the aim to better understand the interaction processes of atmospheric fluxes with the orography. Many puzzling problems were posed by the complexity of these interactions; among them, the perturbations on the boundary layer structure caused by the airflows that cross the Alps and reach the Po Valley would still require more experimental observations and theoretical studies. These considerations prompted us to reanalyze the SPCFLUX93 dataset. In this paper, a layout of the field experiment (including the instrumentation details, the experimental relevant dataset and database composed by meteorological standard data, vertical profile data, ultrasonic anemometer data, and chemical data)is presented; the collected data are described; the details of the mesoscale meteorological situation over San Pietro Capofiume during the experiment are presented; finally, some analyses on the data are shown, and the main results coming from the several applications carried out using the dataset are illustrated or summarized. In particular, the most interesting results are related to the following topics: the characteristics of the turbulence in the surface layer (using the fast-response data), the validation of land surface schemes (using the surface observations), the evaluation of mixed layer depth (using radon flux data)and the estimate of deposition velocity.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Properties and dynamics of the atmosphere; meteorology
Subjects: 500 Scienze naturali e Matematica > 550 Scienze della Terra > 551 Geologia, Idrologia, Meteorologia
Depositing User: Marina Spanti
Date Deposited: 19 Mar 2020 14:47
Last Modified: 19 Mar 2020 14:47
URI: http://eprints.bice.rm.cnr.it/id/eprint/16116

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