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Aiazzi, Bruno and Baronti, Stefano and Santurri, Leonardo and Selva, Massimo (2021) A possible novel approach to the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) by means of Generalized Zeta Functions related to an infinite set of numerical sequences generated by the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Technical, Scientific and Research Reports, 13. pp. 1-22. ISSN 2035-5831
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Di Noto, F. and Tulumello, A. and Di Maria, G. and Nardelli, Michele (2007) Su alcuni possibili contributi utili alla dimostrazione dell'ipotesi di Riemann I (RH ed RHG). Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, F. and Tulumello, A. and Di Maria, G. and Nardelli, Michele (2007) Su alcuni possibili contributi utili alla dimostrazione dell'ipotesi di Riemann II (RH ed RHG). Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2008) Considerazioni generali sulle possibili connessioni tra i Gruppi Algebrici ed alcuni settori della Teoria dei Numeri nelle Teorie di Stringa (con accenno anche alla fisica quantistica ed alle matrici). Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2009) DAI NUMERI PRIMI ALLE TEORIE DI STRINGA (Un ponte tra Numeri e Fisica, tramite i Numeri Primi Supersingolari e di Fibonacci). Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2009) Dalle stringhe alla TOE attraverso la Teoria dei Numeri. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2008) FIBONACCI, DIMENSIONI, STRINGHE: NUOVE INTERESSANTI CONNESSIONI. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2010) Il Principio Geometrico alla base delle Teorie di Stringa. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Nardelli, Michele (2007) Proposta di Dimostrazione della variante Riemann di Lagarias (RH1) equivalente all’Ipotesi di Riemann RH, con RH1 = RH. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita and Di Maria, Giovanni and Nardelli, Michele (2008) I Numeri Primi Gemelli e l'Ipotesi di Riemann Generalizzata (con accenno al problema P = NP). Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita and Di Maria, Giovanni and Nardelli, Michele (2008) Note sulle connessioni tra i numeri primi di Fermat, i numeri primi di Mersenne ed i numeri di Collatz. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Di Pietro, Gabriele (2010) About twin primes and distribution of primes. Bollettino U.M.I.. (Submitted)
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Ginzburg, I. F. (2010) Physical problems for future Photon Colliders. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (2). pp. 11-24. ISSN 1826-9885
Ginzburg, I. F. and Ivanov, I. P. and Kanishev, K. A. (2010) The phase evolution of the Universe during its cooling down in 2HDM. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (2). pp. 119-127. ISSN 1826-9885
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Kremer, G. M. and Pandolfi Bianchi, M. and Soares, A. J. (2010) From the transport coefficients of a relaxation kinetic model to harmonic wave solutions. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 103-110. ISSN 1826-9885
Lange, Christian and Nardelli, Michele (2007) Serie di Fibonacci, Rapporto Aureo e ovaloidi a sezione aurea: connessioni con la Teoria delle Stringhe. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Lange, Christian and Nardelli, Michele and Bini, Giuseppe (2008) Sistema Musicale Aureo Phi^(n/7) e connessioni matematiche tra Numeri Primi e “Paesaggio” della Teoria delle Stringhe. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Lange, Christian and Nardelli, Michele and Bini, Giuseppe (2008) Sistema Musicale Aureo Phi^(n/7) e connessioni matematiche tra Numeri Primi e “Paesaggio” della Teoria delle Stringhe. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Lavrik, Y. and Jung, Y.Y. and Ruggeri, F. and Vidakovic, B. (2005) Bayesian false discovery rate wavelete shrinkage: theory and applications. Technical Report. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI). Sezione di Milano, Milano, IT. (Unpublished)
Maggioni, Francesca and Alamri, S. Z. and Barenghi, C. F. and Ricca, R. L. (2009) Kinetic energy of vortex knots and unknots. Il nuovo cimento C, 32 (1). pp. 133-142. ISSN 1826-9885
Martinelli, A. (2004) Simulating ruin probabilities for Markov-Additive processes by importance sampling methods. Technical Report. CNR. Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI). Sezione di Milano, Milano, IT. (Unpublished)
Mascali, G. and Romano, V. (2010) Hydrodynamic subband model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 155-163. ISSN 1826-9885
Morandi, O. and Hervieux, P.-A. and Manfredi, G. (2010) Pseudo-fermion formalism applied to nonequilibrium Kondo-type problems. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 173-180. ISSN 1826-9885
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Muscato, O. and Di Stefano, V. (2010) A statistical enhancement method for Direct Simulation Monte Carlo in semiconductor devices. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 181-188. ISSN 1826-9885
Nardelli, Michele (2006) Further mathematical connections between Palumbo's model and string theory. Dip.Sc.Terra Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2006) La musicalità dell'Universo tra Scienza e Fede. Dip.Mat.Appl.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2010) The mathematical theory of black holes. Mathematical connections with some sectors of String Theory and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Fis.Mat.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2006) New mathematical connections between Riemann-Ricci-Einstein models and String Theory, Cosmological Constant, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dip.Matem. e Appl.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2005) New mathematical connections concerning string theory 1. Dip.Mat. e Appl.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2006) New mathematical connections concerning string theory 2. Dip.Mat. e Appl.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2010) On some connections between condensed matter and string theory. Mathematical connections with some sectors of Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2010) On some equations concerning quantum electrodynamics coupled to quantum gravity, the gravitational contributions to the gauge couplings and quantum effects in the theory of gravitation: mathematical connections with some sector of String Theory and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Fis.Mat. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2010) On some equations concerning quantum electrodynamics coupled to quantum gravity, the gravitational contributions to the gauge couplings and quantum effects in the theory of gravitation: mathematical connections with some sector of String Theory and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Fis.Mat. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On some mathematical connections between Fermat's Last Theorem, Modular Functions, Modular Elliptic Curves and some sector of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Mat e Appl.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On some mathematical connections between Fermat's Last Theorem, Modular Functions, Modular Elliptic Curves and some sector of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Mat e Appl.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On some mathematical connections between Fermat's Last Theorem, Modular Functions, Modular Elliptic Curves and some sector of String Theory II. Dip.Sc.Terr-Dip.Mat e Appl Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2009) On some mathematical connections between the Cyclic Universe, Inflationary Universe, p-adic Inflation, p-adic cosmology and various sectors of Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On some mathematical connections concerning the relation between three-dimensional gravity related to Chern-Simons gauge theory, p-adic Hartle-Hawking wave function, Rumanujan’s modular functions and some equations describing the Riemann zeta-function. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2008) On some mathematical connections concerning the three-dimensional pure quantum gravity with negative cosmological constant, the Selberg zeta-function, the ten-dimensional anomaly cancellations, the vanishing of cosmological constant, and some sectors of String Theory and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On some possible mathematical connections concerning Noncommutative Minisuperspace Cosmology, Noncommutative Quantum Cosmology in low-energy String Action, Noncommutative Kantowsky-Sachs Quantum Model, Spectral Action Principle associated with a Noncommutative Space and some aspects concerning the Loop Quantum Gravity. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2010) On the Andrica and Cramer’s Conjectures. Mathematical connections between Number Theory and some sectors of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2009) On the Boltzmann Equation applied in various sectors of String Theory and the Black HoleEntropy in Canonical Quantum Gravity and Superstring Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2008) On the link between the structure of A-branes observed in the homological mirror symmetry and the classical theory of automorphic forms: mathematical connections with the modular elliptic curves, p-adic and adelic numbers and p-adic and adelic strings. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2009) On the mathematical connections between some equations concerning the calculation of all the eigenfunctions of atoms with the Thomas-Fermi method, some sectors of Number Theory, the modes corresponding to the physical vibrations of superstrings, p-Adic and Adelic free relativistic particle and p-Adic strings. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2008) On the physical interpretation of the Riemann zeta function, the Rigid Surface Operators in Gauge Theory, the adeles and ideles groups applied to various formulae regarding the Riemann zeta function and the Selberg trace formula, p-adic strings, zeta strings and p-adic cosmology and mathematical connections with some sectors of String Theory and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2009) On the possible applications of some theorems concerning the Number Theory to the various mathematical aspects and sectors of String Theory I. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2007) On the possible mathematical connections between the Hartle-Hawking no boundary proposal concerning the Randall-Sundrum cosmological scenario, Hartle-Hawking wave-function in the mini-superspace sector of physical superstring theory, p-adic Hartle-Hawking wave function and some sectors of Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2006) Poincaré and Geometrization Conjectures: mathematical connections between String Theory, Ricci Flow and Number Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Mat Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele (2008) Sulle connessioni matematiche tra le soluzioni analitiche dell’Equazione di Thomas-Fermi, il Numero Aureo e le modalità corrispondenti alle vibrazioni delle stringhe. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, F. and Tulumello, A. (2006) Fibonacci, Primi e Teoria di Stringa. Dip. Mat. e Appl.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, Francesco (2007) Nota sulla "Connessione Goldbach-gemelli-Polignac" e su "Una formula più precisa per una stima logaritmica dell'N° numero primo. Dip.Sc.Terra.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, Francesco (2007) Su alcuni contributi al programma Langlands: ulteriori connessioni tra alcuni fenomeni fisici naturali, Teoria dei Numeri e Teoria di Stringa. Dip.Sc.Terra Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, Francesco (2007) Teoremi sulle coppie di Goldbach e le coppie di numeri primi gemelli: connessioni tra Funzione zeta di Riemann, Numeri Primi e Teoria di Stringa. Dip.Mat.e Appl.. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, Francesco (2007) Teoria dei Numeri e Teoria di Stringa, ulteriori connessioni: Congettura (Teorema) di Polignac, Teorema di Goldston-Yldirim e relazioni con Goldbach e Numeri Primi Gemelli. Dip.Sc.Terra Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Di Noto, Francesco and Di Maria, Giovanni and Tulumello, Annarita (2007) NOTE SU UNA SOLUZIONE POSITIVA PER LE DUE CONGETTURE DI GOLDBACH. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Marciano, Antonio (2009) On some mathematical connections between the Cyclic Universe, Inflationary Universe, p-adic Inflation, p-adic cosmology and various sectors of Number Theory. Further new hypothesis and new mathematical and physical aspects concerning the brane collision. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Palumbo, Antonino (2007) Su una possibile TOE e su alcune nuove connessioni matematiche tra Teoria di Stringa, Numeri Primi, Serie di Fibonacci e Partizioni. Dip.Sc.Terra e Dip.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Turco, Rosario (2010) The Circle’s Method to investigate the Goldbach’s Conjecture and the Germain primes: Mathematical connections with the p-adic strings and the zeta strings. Dip.Sc.Fis.Mat.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Turco, Rosario (2010) The Fibonacci’s zeta function. Mathematical connections with some sectors of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Turco, Rosario (2010) From the Maxwell’s equations to the String Theory: new possible mathematical connections. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Nardelli, Antonio (2021) Analyzing a formula concerning the Zeros of the Davenport Heilbronn Function. Further new possible mathematical connections with some equations concerning some sectors of String Theory and Supersymmetry Breaking. III. Theoretical Physics - Mathematics. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Nardelli, Antonio On the study of various equations concerning the Isoperimetric Theorems. Possible mathematical connections with some sectors of Number Theory, String Theory and some cosmological parameters. Number Theory and String Theory. (Unpublished)
Nardelli, Michele and Nardelli, Antonio On the study of various Isoperimetric and Variational Problems. Possible mathematical connections with several parameters of Number Theory and sectors of String Theory. Number Theory, Geometric Measure Theory and Theoretical Physics. (Unpublished)
Palomo, J. and Rios Insua, D. and Ruggeri, F. (2005) Modeling esternal risks in project management. Technical Report. CNR. Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI). Sezione di Milano, Milano, IT. (Unpublished)
Palumbo, A (2006) Following Antonino Palumbo Philosophic, naturalistic and scientific thoughts pensieri filosofici, naturalistici e scientifici. tipografia fratelli giannini napoli 2006. (In Press)
Palumbo, A. (2006) Rischiare con Dio (Dopo Einstein); Science approaches man to God (After Einstein). In: Rischiare con Dio (Dopo Einstein). E.S.I., Napoli. (In Press)
Palumbo, A. (2005) A simple models explaining some ideas and discordances in general relativity. Bollettino della società dei naturalisti in Napoli, 2005.
Palumbo, A. (2005) The theory of string: a candidate for a generalized unification model. Bollettino della società dei naturalisti in Napoli, 2005.
Palumbo, A. (2005) The theory of string: a candidate for a generalized unification model. Bollettino della società dei naturalisti in Napoli, 2005.
Palumbo, A. (2003) Vesuvius, Phlaegrean Fields and the Neapoletans; Il Vesuvio, I campi Flegrei e i Napoletani. In: Il vesuvio, I campi Flegrei e i Napoletani. Liguori, Napoli.
Pettersson, Rrolf (2010) On global boundedness of higher velocity moments for solutions to the linear Boltzmann equation with hard sphere collisions. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 189-197. ISSN 1826-9885
Potapenko, I. F. and Soboleva, T. K. and Krasheninnikov, S. I. (2010) Electron heating and acceleration for the nonlinear kinetic equation. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 199-206. ISSN 1826-9885
Preston, S. (2009) Noncommuting variations in the Lagrangian field theory and the dissipation. Il nuovo cimento C, 32 (1). pp. 159-172. ISSN 1826-9885
Queisser, G. (2009) A mathematical calcium-induced calcium-release model. Il nuovo cimento C, 32 (1). pp. 173-184. ISSN 1826-9885
Ragusa, J. and Wang, Y. (2010) Adaptive mesh refinement techniques for diffusion-synthetic-accelerated discrete-ordinates neutral particle transport. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 215-222. ISSN 1826-9885
Ricca, Renzo L. (2009) New developments in topological fluid mechanics. Il nuovo cimento C, 32 (1). pp. 185-192. ISSN 1826-9885
Rios Insua, D. and Muruzabal, J. and Palomo, J. and Ruggeri, F. and Holgado, J. and Moreno, R. (2004) Simulation in industrial statistics. Technical Report. CNR. Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI). Sezione di Milano, Milano, IT.
Romano, V. and Rusakov, A. (2010) Numerical simulation of coupled electron devices and circuits by the MEP hydrodynamical model for semiconductors with Crystal heating. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 223-230. ISSN 1826-9885
Ruggeri, F. (2004) On the reliability of repairable systems: methods and applications. Technical Report. CNR. IMATI. Sezione di Milano, Milano, IT. (Unpublished)
Sernia, Fabrizia (1982) Soluzioni di un modello di accumulazione (Una dimostrazione di esistenza e non negatività delle soluzioni in un modello economico di accumulazione). Masters thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'.
Trimarco, C. (2009) Supercurrents as Eulerian fluids. Il nuovo cimento C, 32 (1). pp. 193-203. ISSN 1826-9885
Trovato, M. and Reggiani, L. (2010) Statistics and quantum maximum entropy principle. Il nuovo cimento C, 33 (1). pp. 247-255. ISSN 1826-9885
Turco, Rosario (2007) Algoritmi per la congettura di Goldbach - G(N) reale. Sito Aladdin's Lamp.
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele (2009) Continued fractions and the Riemann zeta: connections with string theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele (2009) Links between string theory and the Riemann’s zeta function. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele (2009) On the Riemann Hypothesis - The conjecture “The non-trivial zeros of Riemann’s zeta have all multiplicity 1” is true! Further mathematical connections with some sectors of string theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele (2009) On the Riemann Hypothesis. Formulas explained - ψ(x) as equivalent RH. Mathematical connections with “Aurea” section and some sectors of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita (2008) Goldbach, Twin Primes and Polignac Equivalent RH, the Landau’s prime numbers and the Legendre’s conjecture. Mathematical connections with “Aurea” section and some sectors of String Theory. Dip.Sc.Terra-Dip.Matem.Unina. (Unpublished)
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita (2010) Miglioramento e Nota correttiva Proposta di soluzione congettura di Andrica. sito www.gruppoeratostene.it.
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita (2010) Proposta di Dimostrazione Congettura di Andrica. sito www.gruppoeratostene.com.
Turco, Rosario and Colonnese, Maria and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita (2010) Proposta di Dimostrazione Congettura di Cramer - Shank. sito www.gruppoeratostene.com.
Turco, Rosario and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita and Colonnese, Maria (2008) Numeri primi in cerca di autore - Goldbach, numeri gemelli, Riemann, Fattorizzazione. sito Alladdin's Lamp.
Turco, Rosario and Nardelli, Michele and Di Maria, Giovanni and Di Noto, Francesco and Tulumello, Annarita and Colonnese, Maria (2008) Numeri primi in cerca di autore - Goldbach, numeri gemelli, Riemann, Fattorizzazione. sito Aladdin's Lamp.